Youkai Watch Movie 6: Youkai Gakuen Y - Neko wa Hero ni Nareru ka
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top-class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jiba Jinpei, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
(Source: Youkai Watch Fandom)
Youkai Watch Movie 6: Youkai Gakuen Y - Neko wa Hero ni Nareru ka
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top-class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jiba Jinpei, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
(Source: Youkai Watch Fandom)
Youkai Watch Movie 6: Youkai Gakuen Y - Neko wa Hero ni Nareru ka
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top-class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jiba Jinpei, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
(Source: Youkai Watch Fandom)