A Crunchyroll Original, based on the comic series “The God of High School” created by Yongje Park and published by WEBTOON, this action-packed series follows a high schooler and his friends as they compete in an epic tournament, borrowing power directly from the gods and uncovering a mysterious organization along the way… With the promise of their heart’s deepest desires, motivating their tournament victory.(Source: CR)
A Crunchyroll Original, based on the comic series “The God of High School” created by Yongje Park and published by WEBTOON, this action-packed series follows a high schooler and his friends as they compete in an epic tournament, borrowing power directly from the gods and uncovering a mysterious organization along the way… With the promise of their heart’s deepest desires, motivating their tournament victory.(Source: CR)
A Crunchyroll Original, based on the comic series “The God of High School” created by Yongje Park and published by WEBTOON, this action-packed series follows a high schooler and his friends as they compete in an epic tournament, borrowing power directly from the gods and uncovering a mysterious organization along the way… With the promise of their heart’s deepest desires, motivating their tournament victory.(Source: CR)