The story revolves around the daily misadventures of 5 glasses-wearing high school boys who are members of the "Glasses Club" and their antics resulting from their shared passion for eyewear, most especially, their ultimate goal to make functioning "X-ray glasses."
(Source: Zinc-view, Wikipedia)
The story revolves around the daily misadventures of 5 glasses-wearing high school boys who are members of the "Glasses Club" and their antics resulting from their shared passion for eyewear, most especially, their ultimate goal to make functioning "X-ray glasses."
(Source: Zinc-view, Wikipedia)
The story revolves around the daily misadventures of 5 glasses-wearing high school boys who are members of the "Glasses Club" and their antics resulting from their shared passion for eyewear, most especially, their ultimate goal to make functioning "X-ray glasses."
(Source: Zinc-view, Wikipedia)