In a world in the future where magic is still a part of everyday life, 17-year-old Hitomi Tsukishiro, a descendant of a family of mages, lost the ability to see colors when young and has grown up into a girl devoid of emotion.
(Source: Prime Video)
In a world in the future where magic is still a part of everyday life, 17-year-old Hitomi Tsukishiro, a descendant of a family of mages, lost the ability to see colors when young and has grown up into a girl devoid of emotion.
(Source: Prime Video)
In a world in the future where magic is still a part of everyday life, 17-year-old Hitomi Tsukishiro, a descendant of a family of mages, lost the ability to see colors when young and has grown up into a girl devoid of emotion.
(Source: Prime Video)