The character-driven story follows reclusive Hikari Tsutsui as he falls in love with popular Iroha Igarashi, despite aversions to real-world girls. They develop a close bond neither expected and it challenges their biased notions of who people are.
(Source: HIDIVE)
The character-driven story follows reclusive Hikari Tsutsui as he falls in love with popular Iroha Igarashi, despite aversions to real-world girls. They develop a close bond neither expected and it challenges their biased notions of who people are.
(Source: HIDIVE)
The character-driven story follows reclusive Hikari Tsutsui as he falls in love with popular Iroha Igarashi, despite aversions to real-world girls. They develop a close bond neither expected and it challenges their biased notions of who people are.
(Source: HIDIVE)